- Below are categories
that contains the frequently asked questions by
our customers. Thank you for searching our online
knowledge base for answers to your questions.
- .htaccess
( 3 )
The Apache configuration directive file
( 4 )
ASP - Active Server Pages
- Counter
( 4 )
A hit counter for your web pages
- Email
( 18 )
Using your email accounts
- File Manager
( 1 )
The File Manager is a component of the the Account Manager used to manage the files and directories at your site.
- FormMail
( 4 )
FormMail is a webpage form to email gateway, which will parse the results of a webpage form and send the results to an email address.
- FrontPage
( 9 )
The Microsoft FrontPage web site creation and management tool
( 3 )
File Transfer Protocol, commonly called "FTP" is used to transfer files to and from servers and other computers.
- Miva
( 2 )
Miva products - Miva Script, Miva Merchant, etc.
( 9 )
MySQL database management system
- PGP & PGPMail
( 2 )
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), is a method of encryption that you can apply to scripts that run on your web site along with the e-mail you send through it.
( 3 )
PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language.
- Site Builder
( 2 )
A tool to create web pages for your site without programming
( 2 )
Secure Shell / Secure Telnet
( 3 )
Server Side Includes
- WebMail
( 4 )
WebMail - browser based emailing
