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MySQL database management system

8. Connecting Access and MySQL

Connecting MS Access to a MySQL database

-- You will first need to contact support to request that your MySQL database be configured for remote access, e.g., via ODBC.

* WARNING!!! By opening up remote access, there are two security risks:
* 1. IP ACCESS - Clients must use a static IP.
* REASON - When opening access for a given SET of IPs - 67.135.23.*,
* 67.135.*, 67.*, etc - access is opened wide for someone
* to access the database unauthorized FROM MULTIPLE IPs.
* A possible hack attempt may be made.
* 2. NO ENCRYPION - Any information sent via ODBC access is unencrypted.
* While compressing data does not encrypt it, we do
* encourage clients to compress any data sent through
* ODBC access

1) Download and Install MyODBC 2.50.19 (or most current version) on local
Winows machine with MS Access installed
--can download at:

2) Fill in the following settings:

Windows DNS Name: You can choose the names, must be unique
Server: This is your domain name or IP address
MySQL Database Name: The name of your MySQL database
User: Your MySQL username
Password: Your MySQL password
Port: leave blank for default (3306)
Options; Select "Return Matching Rows"

3) To Link a Table:
a) File...Get External Data...Link Tables
b) Under 'Files of Type:', select "ODBC Database"
c) Select Machine Data Source Tab, and select the appropriate Data Source
d) Select the tables(s) to link

Test! Done! MetaPros does not provide support for remote ODBC connectivity. For support on Microsoft Access and OBDC refer to Microsoft's support and to myODBC documentation.

Updated: Feb 15, 2002

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