Knowledge Base

MySQL database management system

1. How do I change the MySQL login password?

The login username/password for a newly created MySQL database is the same as your Account Manager login username/password.

To change the the MySQL login password:
1. Login to your Account Manager.

2. Select the MySQL icon. If you get a login prompt, login using your Account Manager login username and the last used MySQL login password.

3. Select the database name (same as domain name) in the left most column, then type into the "Run SQL query/queries" box...

set password = password("xxxxxx");

[Replace xxxxxx with the new password.]

Then click on the GO button next to the box. The password will be changed right away.

If you change the password to anything other than the Account Manager password, every time you go into the phpMyAdmin from the Account Manager, you will be prompted for the password. Some browsers cache the passwords for the session. It may be necessary to exit out of your browser and come back in to get the new password to work.

Updated: November 12, 2003

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