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Using your email accounts

17. Outlook Express: can't receive, No Socket Error

When you attempt to send or receive messages using Outlook Express, you may receive any of the following error messages:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket
Error: 10061,
Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
The connection to the server has failed.

If you then view the Internet Accounts dialog box, you may see a new news account and a new mail account both named "" These new accounts may now be configured as your default mail and news accounts. If you try to alter these settings, your changes may not be saved, and the "Access the Internet using a proxy server" setting in Microsoft Internet Explorer may automatically be enabled when you restart your computer.


This behavior can occur if Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Deluxe NetGuard
program is installed on your computer and is configured to monitor
downloads from the Internet. When you configure this program to monitor
downloads, new default mail and news accounts are created in Outlook Express.


To work around this issue, restore your original mail and news accounts
as your default accounts. To do so, follow these steps:

1. In Outlook Express, click Accounts on the Tools menu.
2. Click the Mail tab, click your original mail account, and then click
Set As Default.
3. Click the News tab, click your original news account, click Set As
Default, and then click Close.
4. Quit and then restart Outlook Express.

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Updated: January 4, 2001

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