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Stats & Logs

3. How can the stats be disabled?

The stats generation is disabled and the stats files are cleared by creating an empty file with the name ".NoStats" in the account's www docs directory (/yourdomain-www/). Note the period that begins the file name - this is important.

One method for putting the .NoStats file in place is as follows...
1. Create an empty text file on your hard drive called NoStats.txt
2. Use an FTP program to log in to your account and copy the file from your hard drive to your www docs directory ( /yourdomain-www/ ).
3. Use the FTP program to rename the file from NoStats.txt to .NoStats

Additional notes:
- The stats files will not immediately go away. The stats are updated overnight, so on the following day, you should see that the stats files were deleted.
- Files with names that begin with a period are "hidden" files. Your FTP program may not be configured to show hidden files. Check your FTP program's documentation to see how to view hidden files. Typically you would use the remote file mask of "-la". If you chose to view hidden files, DO NOT delete or modify other hidden files that are within your account.
- To re-enable stats, simply delete the .NoStats file. The stats will begin after the nightly updates.

Updated: January 4, 2001

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