The Microsoft FrontPage web site creation and management tool
- 2. How do I use FrontPage?
The Microsoft site provides a number of useful pages for beginners and for more advanced users of FrontPage. The following are a few of those resources. Take the FrontPage tour and get an overview of how the program works and what it is capable of doing for you.
Visit the Tips and Tricks page for FrontPage
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base of technical support information.
Find answers to your FrontPage questions with the FrontPage FAQ
Subscribe to a free FrontPage monthly newsletter and receive tips and information about free downloads in your email inbox.
FrontPage World has lots of good information and a newsletter containing information and tips for using FrontPage.
11 Advanced Tips for FrontPage 2000 by Kim Wimpsett on the CNET site.
Because of the popularity of FrontPage, you will also find an immense amount of information and support for FrontPage at your local bookstore, support forums, related websites, and newsgroups.
Updated: July 24, 2001
